The ramblings of an absent-minded doctoral student

The ramblings of an absent-minded doctoral student. Chronicling my life as I earn a PhD in history.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

New Day, New Challenges

Either Bella* (my sweet and darling deskmate) has returned some of her books to the library, or she's arranged them differently because I actually have space to move around! I can't complain. If I had all my books here instead of on my floor at home, she'd be in the same predicament! Currently I have 26 books checked out (and for some reason the library gave me another copy of a book I already have, even though I didn't request it; gotta love the library system) and I'm not even at the Generals phase yet. My advisor worries that I'm taking on too much and that I'm pushing myself too quickly. I'm trying to slow down and trust her instincts. After all, she's been doing this longer than I have. I have a very busy week ahead of me, but there's only a few more weeks to go in the quarter. Than I get to take a very lovely break to Texas to watch my brother and bestest Kyle graduate from AIT and spend a week with my grandparents and the lovely friends I have there.

I also received word this morning that I was awarded $250 from the College of Arts and Humanities to fund my trip to New Paltz in June. This will be matched by the department for a total of $500, thankfully, which should cover my flight/hotel for the most part. This is a huge relief. Now let's see if I'm as lucky when it comes to the departmental scholarships.

*name has been changed for privacy.

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